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Sanitizing & Disinfecting (COVID-19)

In 2020, COVID-19 has taken the spotlight on the international stage as it’s reach expands to over 184 countries. It is important to understand what this virus is and what we can do as a society to keep our communities safe on a day-to-day basis from this invisible enemy.

How Does The Virus Spread:

The CDC and WHO are still learning more each day about COVID-19 virus. What we do know is that there is three key ways this virus spreads.

  1. Person-to-Person
  2. Community spread (airborne up to 3 hours)
  3. Contact with contaminated objects (Few hours up to several days)

COVID-19 COmposition & How To Destroy:

The COVID-19 virus is a protein molecule that is covered in fat. To wipe out the virus, the fatty cover needs to be removed. Once the fat is removed, the virus will dissipate. The virus can dissipate in three ways.

  1. 80°+ hot water melts the fat
  2. Soap cuts through the fat
  3. Chemicals dissolve the fat

Where Are The High-Risk Areas:

In a world that is constantly moving and even more connected than years past, it is important to understand what high traffic areas this virus hides at.  Here is some high-risk areas where COVID-19 could be.

Indoor Areas:
  1. Doors, handles and hand railings
  2. Restrooms, toilets and sinks
  3. Tables, counter tops and chairs
  4. Floors

Outdoor Areas:

  1. Sidewalks
  2. Parks
  3. Playgrounds
  4. Public bathroooms
  5. Restaurant facades

What Is the Ideal Disinfect & prevent chemical:

There is several options in regards to the chemical you can use to not only disinfect, but prevent future viruses clinging to surfaces. Below is chemical recommendations.

CDC Recommends Following:
  1. For disinfection of Coronavirus, CDC recommends diluted household bleach.
  2. Use 1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water.
  3. Bleach has broad anti-microbial activity, which removes dried or fix organisms from surfaces.
  4. Bleach also doesn’t leave toxic residue, inexpensive, fast acting and low incidence of serious toxicity.
EPA Registered Chemicals Include:
  1. Clorox, CloroxPro Germicidal Bleach
  2. S.C. Johnson Valalla 2 Quaternary Ammonium
  3. Ecolab Hydrogen Peroxide Multi-Surface Cleaner

Compatible Disinfect & SAnitizing Sprayers EQUIPMENT:

All Master Manufacturing sprayers can be used to for disinfecting and sanitizing surfaces indoors and outdoors. Here is select models of go-to sprayers that can help your community be safe from COVID-19. NOTE: Always clean and thoroughly flush your Master Manufacturing sprayer with fresh water after each use to avoid damaging components with corrosive bleach mixtures.


Hand-Pump, BackPack & RE-Chargeable Sprayers

For indoor and targeted outdoor areas

spot Sprayers

For multiple outdoor areas and repeated application where higher volume is needed

Broadcast Sprayers

For sanitizing and disinfecting over large areas while mounted or towed by ATV or UTV

Professional & Mist Sprayers

For sanitizing and disinfecting over large areas mounted in an ATV, UTV or commercial vehicle

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